Thursday, April 26, 2007

Viva Mexico!

Currently sitting in my old room at my moms house. Lots of old memories here of being an angst ridden teenager in el cajon. my zebra pillows and bla ck comforter are still here to remind me of those good times. oh, and all my tacky panda/manatee memorabilia.

today i spent the day with my mom. we went to the dentist to get our teeth cleaned. hah! after 2 years of neglecting this bi-yearly responsibility I was surprised to find that i had no cavities or horrible mouth/gum disease. i did get a new toothbrush in a handy zip up case and some floss. always great. especially when half way through my drive i realized i forgot mine at home.

we went to mexico! soo much fun! i was able to spend time with my moms friend angelica and her mom. went down to pick up my moms new leathers (she rides motorcycles) which were pretty bad ass. then we went to la diferencia and had tamarindomaritinis and tapas galore! my tiofederico met us there and we all laughed and joked and told stories. i had cafe deolla which is one of the most delicious drinks.

the nicest thing was hearing spanish all around me and smelling that tj air. sounds cheesy, but mexico has this smell to it that i love. it makes me sad because it reminds me of my abuelita and how much i miss her. that only reminds me of my dad and how sad he seems. i spoke to federico a little bit (he has known my dad and mom for 25 years!) and he told me that my dad was stubborn and just let him be him. yeah yeah, i know. but my dad is my dad and i love him and i cant just ignore it. i dunno, what can i say or do? either way it felt nice to talk to someone about my dad because i rarely if ever talk to my family in mexico.

aye, mi queridomexico. tantoqueteextrano.

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